Christmas is getting closer and tomorrow we have a small group for Life Drawing and a potluck lunch. It is always nice to fit in a bit of socializing while keeping a hand in drawing. I've got the cards done and mailed and am taking a break from tree decorating. I think I like the Grand Firs better but they were out of them and now I have a Noble Fir. It smells great but was really heavy and now I'm thinking it is awfully dense for decorating. I like it when there are spaces for a bit of see-through. The drawing here is one that was done in the small group - coloured conte' on pastel paper. It just got rejected from a show but I know it is a good drawing - especially with the leg muscles. Sometimes there is a real prejudice, still, against nudes in art. When a person gets rejected, it just can't be taken personally and, in the long run, really means nothing.