I've finally got around to sending off the 2011 paintings so they can be added to the website. There are four "Dream Cities" in the set. This series is about cities as you imagine them- before the trip, as it were. Everything is ideal. Then you get there and your feet are sore, the traffic is horrendous and the place is polluted! This series started when I was working on the Winter Sunset, Finn Slough painting and thought , "What if the telephone poles were minarets?" One thing led to another and I began to imagine an Istanbul-like place looking magical with reflections. I've never been there- so it really is a "dream city". So far there are 6 in the series and I'm not sure, but maybe, the series is completed- or the dreams may continue with totally imaginary cities and places. At this point, I don't know.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
Ordering card
I decided it was time to think about a Christmas card. I used to get multiple photocopies, cut them out and paste them onto cards. Then I decided to try Apple and loved the quality and ease (no cutting, no pasting...already done!) The big decision is just what painting to use. I had a new poppy painting but I used "Poppies by the Fence" last year. I'd recently hung "Birches in Winter" in the entry hall and had several comments on it - so I thought -why not? This is the view I see when I sit at my computer. The birds are Redwing blackbirds. I thought I would just be picking a painting for the front of the card - but- wow! - the new design offerings has one with a strip of mini paintings down each side of the message- so all of a sudden I was thinking about which ten or so paintings to choose. I'm quite excited about the result and looking forward to receiving the paper copies. It will be interesting to see what the reaction of the recipients is. I hope people don't think it is too promotional looking- but if you don't promote yourself, who will? They will go "as is" to gallery people, those who have bought paintings, etc. and I will add an insert with personal news for closer friends. I do love my Mac computer. This new version of I-Photo was added when the computer got a new hard-drive in a recent recall. I didn't lose anything - except maybe two e-mails that don't seem to be retrievable- and this new card design is really great. Much fun.
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