Thursday, March 16, 2017

Seven Forty-five

I used this one on my March newsletter. "Newsletter" sounds long and wordy but it actually is just one page with a picture and information about what is coming up. I call it "Loraine's Art News" and that fits as the title.  (E-mail me if you want to go on my list) This is another of my City Evening series that started with the smaller "Five fifteen" of people leaving offices for the homeward dash.  Then I moved to 16 by 20's with " Five forty-five" -  a couple crossing the road closer to home with red lights reflecting on the pavement. This one is the dash to the eight o'clock show start. I like a lot of city lights paintings and wanted to see what I could add to the genre. Mine all involve people- no empty streets for me!  Some are a bit lonelier and not all evenings are wet ones. I think they are all places we can relate to - and feel that it could be us out there. Modern cities are pretty generic now so this isn't like my series from Rome, Venice and Prague. This is definitely North America. I start each on a dark under-painting and sketch in - first with white chalk (erasable!) - and then blocking in with Zinc or Transparent White before moving in to darks that aren't done with Black plus the colours. I like acrylics because they work well for glazing so the colours- especially lighted windows and reflections on pavement- are all built up in layers for more of a depth. I'm working on a 20 x 30 one right now- but you'll have to wait to see the final result.

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