Monday, January 28, 2019

50 contemporary women artists

I recently received this outstanding book and highly recommend it to anyone interested in keeping up with what is going on in today's world of art. When I first looked into this volume, the only name I immediately recognized was Judy Chicago. This is no doubt in part because Judy has been in the news longer than some of the younger artists as all of the artists featured have received quite a bit of recognition in their fields. This is definitely a book with feminist awareness  of inequalities. One first opens on 37 outrageous sexist comments from well-known males including, of course, Donald Trump. The 359 pages list the women artists alphabetically by their first names since most last names are patrimonial. A wide range  of contemporary art practices is covered from more traditional forms of painting and sculpture through photography, installations, performance art and digital works. It is interesting to see the progress made for and by women in the last few generations. A quote from Marilyn Minler  sums it up "Art isn't gendered. It is whether you have a vision or not"

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