Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Another book from Apple

My second book arrived. I did this one as a coil bound. This painting is what I used for the cover design and this is what I wrote about it: " "Journey's End" (24 x 30) is the cover painting as this volume is paintings of close to home landscape, people, and things. Sometimes it is nice to travel and see new sights, but sometimes what is closest is the best. We just have to learn to appreciate what is all around us." So now I have two "Paintings Book"s to have for DoorsOpen - and I'm relatively up to date. Maybe I will have another volume for next year. They are surprisingly easy to make on I-Photo and the delivery is very quick! Next project is definitely getting ready for DoorsOpen which will be May 7th and 8th this year. This is the only time I have an Open Studio and I like to take the time to really get things displayed more than I normally have. I also will do some baking so there will be refreshments. I have a "free draw" for a painting so I"ll have to decide which one it will be. Actually, I usually have two, so the winner has a choice.

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